Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Storage Media
Sponsored Links:Hard disks are the most used data storage media to store data. Every computer has a hard disk to store the data. There are several different types of hard disks. Not every hard disk works on the same speed. Also the technique can be different and therefore also the connectors can be different.
As I said before there are several speeds and several types. Below there is a list op types and speeds.
Types of hard disks
There are several types of hard disks available on the market. There are IDE, SATA, SCSI, USB and FIREWIRE hard disks. I will describe each type below.
IDE hard disk
The IDE hard disk is until know the most used hard disk in computers but in the future the SATA hard disks will be used more and more. A IDE hard disk is also called ATA or PATA hard disk. This means Parallel ATA and can transmit data on a normal speed and is a bit slower then the SATA hard disks.
You can recognize a IDE hard disk at the connector. It has a 40 pins connector and it has quite a big power connector.
SATA hard disk
A SATA hard disk works the same as an IDE hard drive but this type has a higher speed than the IDE hard disk. SATA means Serial ATA. Also the connectors are a bit different then the IDE hard disk.
You can recognize a SATA hard disk at the connector and it has a smaller power connector then the IDE hard disk. This hard disk is more and more used and probably it will replace the IDE hard disks.
SCSI hard disk
SCSI hard disks are much faster then the IDE or SATA hard disks. SCSI hard disks are mostly used for professional systems which need fast data access. These types of hard disks are often not used in home situations because they are more expensive then a IDE or SATA hard disk and in a home situation you don’t need that high speed. Mostly these hard disks are used in servers.You can recognize a SCSI hard disk at the connector and it has the same power connector then the IDE hard disk.
USB hard disk
This type of data storage medium is not installed in the computer but it can be attached to it using the USB interface. This is an external hard disk, also called a portable data storage device. This type of hard disk can be useful if you have
a laptop with a small hard disk inside, you can use a USB hard disk to store your data on. These hard disks are a bit slower then the IDE or SATA hard disks. The speed also depends on the type of USB interface you attach it to. There are USB 1.1 interfaces and USB 2.0. Be sure you attach it to a USB 2.0 interface to let the hard disk work faster.
FireWire hard disk
A FireWire hard disk works the same as a USB hard disk and is also an external hard disk. The only difference is that a USB hard disk is attached to the computer using the USB interface and a FireWire hard disk uses the FireWire interface. A FireWire hard disk is also a bit faster than a USB hard disk. But your computer has to have a FireWire interface and not every computer has such interface where a USB interface is almost on every computer.
DVD’s are data storage media where you can store your data on using a DVD writer. If you want to move much data around this could be a perfect solution. On a single DVD you can store up to 4,7 GB of data. On a CD you can store up to 700 MB so a DVD has much more capacity then a CD. On the market there are several different DVD writers available. There are DVD+R, DVD-R, DVD +R and DVD-R, DVD-DL, DVD-RW.
For example:
You have a DVD+R writer in your computer and you have an empty DVD+R disc. You burn the data to the disc. This is possible because your DVD writer supports DVD+R.
After the disc is burned you go to your friend to copy the disc but your friend has only a DVD-R writer so this is not possible because this DVD writer doesn’t support DVD+R.
Fortunately, most newer DVD writers support both.
The DVD-DL means Dual Layer and it has a capacity of 8.5 GB. So on such a disc you can store even more data then on a normal DVD. Using a DVD writer or a dual layer dvd drive you can also burn CD’s.
Near a DVD drives and CD drives there are also drives which is called a CD DVD combo drive. Such drive is a drive which can write and read CD's and can only read DVD's and can not write DVD's.
Below there is a list of what functions most DVD writers support at the moment.
Example of what a single DVD writer supports.
Function | Drive Speed |
Read (CD) | 48 x (7,200 KB/s) |
Read (DVD) | 16 x (21,600 KB/s) |
Write (CD-R) | 48 x (7,200 KB/s) |
Write (CD-RW) | 32 x (4,800 KB/s) |
Write (DVD-R) | 18 x (24,300 KB/s) |
Write (DVD-RW) | 6 x (8,100 KB/s) |
Write (DVD+R) | 18 x (24,300 KB/s) |
Write (DVD+RW) | 8 x (10,800 KB/s) |
Write (DVD-R) Double layer | 8 x (10,800 KB/s) |
Write (DVD+R) Double layer | 8 x (10,800 KB/s) |
Write (DVD-RAM) | 12 x (16,200 KB/s) |
A CD is also a data storage medium where you can store your data on using a CD writer or DVD writer. On a normal CD you can store up to 700 MB. The capacity of a CD is not that much but it is ideal for moving data like documents and a photos on it. So if you want to move smaller files you can burn your data to a CD. Also for CD writers there are several functions and speeds available on the market like a CD-R (recordable) or a CD-RW (rewritable).
On a floppy you can store just a small amount of data on. It has a capacity of 1.44 MB. To move around small documents like a Word document or Excel document this type of data storage medium can be used without a problem. Several years ago the floppy was the medium to store your data on but now it is mostly used for boot disks or DOS programs.
This type of data storage medium is not much used in a home situation but is used in larger companies for data storage and backup their data. These data storage tapes must be put into a tape unit to store data on. You can call tape units also a data storage drives.
Also tapes have different capacities but common tapes have a much larger capacity then CD’s or DVD’s. There are tapes with a capacity like 10 GB up to 300 GB and more. So that’s why many companies use tapes to store or backup their data.
USB Sticks
This type of data storage medium is often used to move data around. Most of the time it is being used to copy files, photo’s, music etc from one computer to another. The USB sticks have a capacity from a few MB like 8 or 16 MB up to 1 GB or 2GB. You simply put the USB stick into a free USB port and the computer recognizes this as a ‘Device with removable storage’. You can simply drag the files to it.
Memory Sticks
This type of data storage medium is used in devices like digital camera’s and PDA’s. They will be used to store pictures or other data from a PDA for example. These memory sticks can also be read in a computer by putting them in a card reader which can be connected to the computer or by connecting your digital camera or PDA directly to the computer.
SD Cards (Secure Digital)
This type of storage medium is also used in devices like digital camera’s, Smartphone’s and PDA’s. They will be used to store pictures or other data from a PDA for example. These SD cards can also be read in a computer by putting them in a card reader which can be connected to the computer or by connecting your digital camera, Smartphone’s or PDA directly to the computer.
MMC Cards (Multi Media Card)
This type of storage medium is used in devices like digital camera’s, mobile phones, Smartphone’s and PDA’s. They will be used to store pictures or other data from a PDA for example. These MMC cards can also be read in a computer by putting them in a card reader which can be connected to the computer or by connecting your digital camera, Smartphone’s or PDA directly to the computer.This type of card is a small card.
XD Picture Cards
This type of storage medium is used in devices like digital camera’s from Olympus. They will be used to store pictures and movies made with the camera. These XD Picture cards can also be read in a computer by putting them in a card reader which can be connected to the computer or by connecting your digital camera, Smartphone’s or PDA directly to the computer.This type of card is a small card which fits in a Olympus camera.
Types of Video Card
Sponsored Links:There are three main types of video card commonly in use.
- PCI Express
PCI Express is the most current, and fastest, of the video cards. If possible, you will likely want to install a PCI express video card. Figure 5.1 shows a PCI Express video card.
PCI Express Video Card
Before PCI express the most common type of video card was the AGP card. AGP cards still give great performance. If you have only one video card in your system you will want to make sure it is either AGP or PCI Express. Figure 5.2 shows an AGP video card.
AGP Video Card
The oldest style for video cards that I will discuss is PCI. You can see a PCI video card in Figure 5.3.
PCI Video Card
You should not use a PCI card as your primary video display card. PCI cards are to slow to play any of the more advanced video games, or to show video. Besides, the price difference between PCI and AGI/PCI-Express is minimal.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Food for the soul
Sponsored Links:Friday, December 26, 2008
How to Commit Suicide
Sponsored Links:How it’s Done: Maybe a relationship tremor has caused you to rethink your life here on the planet, and the weight of it all has made you decide to drown yourself. Sometimes, driving or even convincing yourself to walk into a large body or water will do it, otherwise many perish in as little water as a slightly-filled bathtub.
Results From Failure: Oxygen deprivation can cause severe and permanent brain damage.
How it’s Done: Sometimes the thought of continuing to live in a world inundated with problems and insurmountable issues results on one wanting to die by electric shock. Something as simple as jamming a utensil in a wal
l outlet, to the more notable dunking an appliance in an occupied bathtub, can result in death by electric shock.
Results From Failure: Deep burns from 500-1000 volts, ventricular fibrillation at 110-220 volts, and severe neurological damage.
8. Exsanguination
How it’s Done: Frequently the most obvious way to rapidly harm one’s self yet pass on relatively slowly, is to slit the wrists or the carotid, radial, ulnar, or femoral artery. Using a sharp implement is the easiest way to go. Razors or knives are popular. Contrary to popular belief, the effective method for this is not to cross the wrist, but to draw the blade up the forearm (as is evident in the photograph above). This is the same way Japanese perform Jigai (women) and Seppuku (men), although their’s is often for more spiritual purposes.
Results From Failure: Extreme loss of blood causing the heart to dramatically slow eventually depriving the brain of oxygen. Also, most often, deep scars and tissue damage.
7. Jumping
How it’s Done: Pondering the emptiness in one’s life can be a painful experience. Yet, when it all seems so overwhelming, you might decide to plummet from a significant height
to your own death. Leaping from a building to the pavement below is quite lethal, and popular. However, romantics may choose to use a cliff over jagged rocks. Or bridges.
Results From Failure: Shattered femurs from impacting with water up to severe bodily harm from impacting with any solid surface.
How it’s Done: You’ve decided that your life is in disarray and you can no longer stand the pressure. One way to end it all is to encase your head in a plastic bag and asphyxiate yourself. Or, if you’re really ready to go, nitrogen or helium directly inhaled is useful.
Results From Failure: Turning back at the last min
ute before passing out can result in serious and long-lasting to permanent brain damage.
5. Carbon Monoxide Inhalation
How it’s Done: It’s all so difficult and the full weight of the world is seemingly square upon your shoulders. You’ve decided to go to the great beyond and you are going to lock yourself in a car, in a closed garage with the engine running and go to sleep. Or, if you have any appliance that puts of CO, that’ll do.
Results From Failure: CO molecules irreversibly attach themselves to human hemoglobin and the result is often fatal even if one backs out.
4. Poisoning
How it’s Done: Romeo and Juliet had it down when, once seeing the other p
resumably dead, the other fatally poisons himself. Taking a substance internally not meant to be done so can be considered poisoning: cleaners, industrial fluids, diazepam, cyanide, and the like.
Results From Failure: The toxic levels of poison required to kill one’s self are generally non-reversible. However, hospital staff can attempt it and often make one vomit or something similar. Lasting effects can include internal organ damage.
3. Hanging
How it’s Done: It’s all over. Nothing in life seems to make it worth living any more. You can acquire a length of rope and construct yourself a noose, which is, by the way, con
sidered a deadly weapon if tied correctly. Once built, wrap one end securely around something high: a rafter or a ceiling fan, and leap, head fastened within the loop, from a chair. Or, if you’re short of rope, anything strong enough to support your weight from your neck can be employed.
Results From Failure: Brain dam
age from lack of oxygen, Often, failure to actually break your own neck may only yield strangulation and you can be saved, but damaged. Also, permanent rope burns or implement scarring can occur.
2. Drug / Alcohol Overdose
How it’s Done: The pressure and stress of daily routines has beaten you down for the final time. Within you
r medicine cabinet lies the answer to your extermination: prescription and over-the-counter meds. A huge mouthful can do you right in. Or, to speed along the process, couple your target pills with a few swigs of alcohol. Many of our favorite musicians have chosen this route. Even alcohol alone, in extreme excess can kill you.
Results From Failure: Severe to permanent organ failure if successful removal isn’t achieved, as well as impaired judgment. Often, clinical assistance is n
ecessary if attempt is repeated.
1. Gun Shot
How it’s Done: One of the most often achieved forms of suicide is by gun shot. Generally a head shot is desired since its results are 99 percent effective, however a chest shot can be equally as devastating.
Results From Failure: Sometimes the blast isn’t enough to kill. In this case, severe to permanent bodily damage can occur as well as blood loss, organ and tissue damage, and brain damage.
Suicide is never a solution. There is no problem so great that it can not be resolved with time and care. This list is meant not as an instruction guide, but a description of the most common forms of suicide. The following is a list of sites you can visit to get help if you are feeling beyond help. Please remember, no matter how bad things get, someone, somewhere is able to listen to you and help you through.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Pc Troubleshooting
Sponsored Links:Simple Tips To Troubleshooting PC Errors
PC errors can occur for many reasons. Some of the most common reasons are:
- Hard disk problems
- Damaged registry
- Malware infections
- Outdated operating system and program files
In order to perform Windows error repair and prevent PC errors, it is important for you to fix and prevent the causes listed above. Let’s see how.
Use Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter
To prevent hard disk problems, you must keep the disk free from unwanted files. To do this, you must install only those programs that you actually want to use. This means that if you no longer require a software program, uninstall it from the system. And, of course, you must uninstall using a legitimate process, such as Add or Remove Programs, Program Uninstallers or a reliable third-party uninstall tool. To get rid of temporary files added by Internet Explorer and other applications, you must use the Disk Cleanup tool. This tool not only helps you clean up your disk by removing unwanted files but also helps you in compressing old system files. After performing disk cleanup, you must remember to use the Disk Defragmenter tool to defrag your hard disk and restore its contiguity.
Use Registry Utility
To fix a damaged registry, you need to regularly scan it for unwanted, obsolete, and malicious information and remove them to clean your registry. The best way to perform registry repair is by using a dependable registry utility. A good registry utility is usually comprised of a GUI-based user-friendly interface to make it easy even for a new computer user to perform registry maintenance. You can use the registry utility, to scan and remove registry errors, defrag the registry to make it compact and contiguous, and backup the registry regularly. Many advanced registry cleaner tools also provide additional Windows error repair options that enable you to perform start menu repair, Internet Explorer repair, and many other problem repair tasks on your Windows system.
Use Antivirus and Antispyware Tools
You need antivirus and antispyware tools to prevent malware programs, such as virus, Trojans, and spyware/adware from infiltrating your system. You must always keep these tools updated with the latest virus definitions to ensure that you are completely protected against the latest malware. It is a good idea to opt for antivirus and antispyware tools that offer real-time protection. This way, you can block any malware program from gaining access to your system in the first place. For PCs that are continually connected to the Internet, it is also recommended that they implement a firewall. A firewall is an efficient tool to block hackers and malware programs from gaining access to your system for malicious purposes.
Perform Regular System Updates
* if you have problems regarding to your computer you can post it here so we can help you..*
Effects of Drug Abuse
Sponsored Links:Effects of Drug Abuse
Effect on the Individual: The effects that drug abusers are exposed to vary from physical effects like increased heart rate, heavy breathing, increase in blood pressure, excessive sweating, garbled speech, lethargy etc., while the emotional effects range from anxiety, depression, hallucination etc. A few examples of the most commonly abused drugs are Marijuana, Cold and Cough Medicines, Cocaine and Crack, Inhalants, Amphetamines and others.
Marijuana is considered to be the most extensively used illegal drug in the United States. Known as the doorway drug, because of its regularity of use the addicts develop a resistance and move on to more potent drugs. Marijuana alters the mood and sense coordination of the addicts letting them experience mood swings. It also brings about an increase in the heart rate and blood pressure. Sometimes the eyes turn red after its use and make the addicts feel hungry as well and this is known as the "munchies" amongst addicts. Some users also experience paranoia and hallucinations. Marijuana is commonly smoked and this damages the lungs and similar to cigarette smokers, marijuana addicts suffer from coughing, wheezing, and frequent colds.
Cold and Cough Medicines are sold over the counter and have a key ingredient known as DXM (dextromatorphan). The effect of this drug is supposed to be medicinal, but large doses that the addicts consume cause face, dry and itchy skin, loss of consciousness, seizures, brain damage, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain etc and it can even lead to death. Inhalants are substances that the users sniff to get an instant high or rush and they are used in glue, paint thinners, dry cleaning fluids, gasoline, marker fluids, correction fluids, hair sprays, aerosol deodorant, and spray paints as well. They are toxic and lead to nosebleeds, sever headaches, giddiness etc.
The addict inhales cocaine and crack is smoked and crack is a derivative of cocaine. Both affect the Central Nervous system and lead to what is called a "crash" and in order to sustain the feeling, the addict takes larger doses and this again leads to physical and psychological longing. The effects are similar to the other drugs, like heavy breathing, increased blood pressure, etc. Other drugs also have the same effect and what the addict experiences only varies on his/her mental and physical condition.
The addiction of the individual affects his/her moods and even when not on the drug, it affects the behavior of the person. The addict's performance at work drops and if the addict is in his teens, it has a negative impact on the school life. The abuse of drugs disrupts the family life of the addict and makes the person more of an anti-social element. The spouts of aggression make the addict a violent person, and upsets neighborhoods due to violence among drug peddlers, terrorizing residents, and the crimes of the addicts themselves. Studies have shown that over half of the highway deaths in the United States involve alcohol and drugs. Also, such addiction leads to the spreading of AIDS since the heroin addicts share needles etc and pregnant women acquire the AIDS virus through intravenous drug use and pass the virus on to the infant. Drug users are a burden on the country and increasing expenses and in 1999, the federal government budgeted $17.9 billion on drug control and earlier in 1998 drug-related health care costs in the United States was more than $9.9 billion. The effect of drugs on the addict and eventually on society is a matter of major concern because the addict ends up being held responsible for more people being exposed to the evil.
Healthy Living..
Sponsored Links:Living a Healthy Way of Life is No Mystery
Life Time Fitness, a national Healthy Way of Life company, is seeking to help people take charge of their health and wellness in the face of a national obesity epidemic. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 50-percent of U.S. adults - or approximately 100 million people - are overweight, and more than 33% are trying to lose weight.
“Over the years, I’ve heard more excuses than you can possibly imagine,” says Jeff Zweifel, vice president of the nutritional products division for Life Time Fitness. “People tell me they’re too busy or that it’s too difficult to take the time to eat right and exercise. Others have tried and faced disappointing or ineffectual results. We aim to help folks change their habits and attitudes toward achieving better health.”
Numerous studies have shown that getting enough exercise and receiving adequate nutrition are critical if you want to live a healthy lifestyle. The 1996 Surgeon General’s Report on Physical Activity recommends the average American get 30 minutes of physical activity per day.
“New science shows you don’t have to go for high intensity physical activity to improve your lifestyle. Regularly walking the dog around the block, raking leaves, folding the laundry or taking the stairs instead of the elevator can all help. The key is to be consistent about it,” says Philip Haberstro, president of the National Association for Health and Fitness. Since the Surgeon General’s Report came out, his agency has been working on ways to encourage people to engineer physical activity back into their lives. “Personally, I park a little further away from the places I’m going so I can get a little exercise in on my way to appointments,” adds Haberstro.
Staying active isn’t the only thing you need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. “All the exercise in the world isn’t going to help you in the long run if you don’t eat right too,” says Zweifel.
In a guidebook provided to its members, Life Time Fitness nutritionists recommend that instead of a big breakfast, lunch and dinner, people eat several small balanced meals (optimally four) and a couple of small snacks throughout the day. “By balanced we mean meals that contain protein, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables,” adds Zweifel.
Good sources of protein include lean meats, fish, egg whites, dairy products, beans and rice. Complex carbohydrates include whole-wheat bread, wild rice, whole-wheat pasta, multigrain cereal and potatoes. You should also aim to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Keep in mind that they also make great snacks.
For the 9 out of 10 adults who do not get the essential daily vitamins and nutrients from the food they eat, nutritional supplements should be considered. Life Time Fitness offers a full line of nutritional products, including men’s and women’s multivitamins, energy bars and shakes and weight-loss supplements.
The reason diet and exercise are so important has a lot to do with metabolism - how your body breaks down food and regulates energy. If you have a fast metabolism, your body stores less fat and you have more energy. The exact opposite is true for people with slow metabolism.
“Many people think the reason we exercise is simply to burn calories, but it goes way beyond that,” says Zweifel. “What people really need to realize is that the true purpose of exercise is to send a message to our bodies, asking for improvement in metabolism, strength, aerobic capacity and overall health and fitness.”
Life Time Fitness trainers recommend that people who are serious about shedding the pounds and keeping them off participate in aerobic training exercise regimens a minimum of three times per week for at least 30 minutes at a time. Aerobic exercises include walking, biking, jogging, swimming, aerobic classes and dancing. Dieters are also urged to take part in resistance training exercises, such as weight lifting, at least twice a week for a minimum of 30 minutes per session.
What is Illuminati and its Structure.
Sponsored Links:Weishaupt was a Jesuit-trained professor of Canon Law, teaching in Inglecot University, when he defected from Christianity to embrace the Luciferian conspiracy. This was in 1770. He began to write out the master plan that was designed to give the Synagogue of Satan, so named by Jesus Christ, ultimate world domination so they could impose the Luciferian ideology on what would remain of the human race after the final social cataclysm by use of satanic despotism.
Weishaupt completed his task on May 1, 1776. (Communist nations continue to yearly conduct celebrations on May 1st in honor of this great event.) That was the day Weishaupt officially completed his plan, which required the destruction of all existing governments and religions. That objective was to be reached by dividing the masses of people into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, social, economic, and other issues, the very conditions we have in the United States today. The opposing sides were then to be armed, and incidents were to be provided which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves, gradually destroying national governments and religious institutions.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sponsored Links:Guide to Quitting Smoking | |
What do I need to know about quitting?
The US Surgeon General has said, "Smoking cessation [stopping smoking] represents the single most important step that smokers can take to enhance the length and quality of their lives."
Quitting smoking is not easy, but you can do it. To have the best chance of success in quitting, you need to know what you’re up against, what your options are, and where to go for help. You'll find this information here.
Why is it so hard to quit smoking?
Mark Twain said, "Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times." Maybe you've tried to quit, too. Why is quitting and staying quit hard for so many people? The answer is nicotine.
Nicotine is a drug found naturally in tobacco. It is highly addictive -- as addictive as heroin or cocaine. Over time, a person becomes physically and emotionally addicted to (dependent on) nicotine. Studies have shown that smokers must deal with both the physical and psychological (mental) dependence to quit and stay quit.
How nicotine gets in, where it goes, and how long it stays
When you inhale smoke, nicotine is carried deep into your lungs. There it is absorbed quickly into the bloodstream and carried throughout your body. Nicotine affects many parts of the body, including your heart and blood vessels, your hormones, your metabolism, and your brain. Nicotine can be found in breast milk and even in mucus from the cervix of a female smoker. During pregnancy, nicotine freely crosses the placenta and has been found in amniotic fluid and the umbilical cord blood of newborn infants.
Several different factors can affect how long it takes the body to remove nicotine and its by-products. In most cases, regular smokers will still have nicotine or its by-products, such as cotinine, in their bodies for about 3 to 4 days after stopping.
How nicotine hooks smokers
Nicotine produces pleasant feelings that make the smoker want to smoke more. It also acts as a kind of depressant by interfering with the flow of information between nerve cells. As the nervous system adapts to nicotine, smokers tend to increase the number of cigarettes they smoke. This, in turn, increases the amount of nicotine in the smoker's blood. After a while, the smoker develops a tolerance to the drug. Tolerance means that it takes more nicotine to get the same effect that the smoker used to get from smaller amounts. This leads to an increase in smoking over time. The smoker reaches a certain nicotine level and then keeps smoking to maintain this level of nicotine. In fact, nicotine inhaled in cigarette smoke reaches the brain faster than drugs that enter the body intravenously (IV).
Nicotine withdrawal symptoms can lead quitters back to smoking
When smokers try to cut back or quit, the lack of nicotine leads to withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal is both physical and mental. Physically, the body reacts to the absence of nicotine. Mentally, the smoker is faced with giving up a habit, which calls for a major change in behavior. The physical and mental both must be addressed for the quitting process to work.
Those who have smoked regularly for a few weeks or longer, and suddenly stop using tobacco or greatly reduce the amount smoked, will have withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms usually start within a few hours of the last cigarette and peak about 2 to 3 days later when most of the nicotine and its by-products are out of the body. Withdrawal symptoms can last for a few days to up to several weeks.
Withdrawal symptoms can include any of the following:
- dizziness (which may only last 1 to 2 days after quitting)
- depression
- feelings of frustration, impatience, and anger
- anxiety
- irritability
- sleep disturbances, including having trouble falling asleep and staying asleep, and having bad dreams or even nightmares
- trouble concentrating
- restlessness
- headaches
- tiredness
- increased appetite
These symptoms can lead the smoker to start smoking cigarettes again to boost blood levels of nicotine back to a level where there are no symptoms. (For information on coping with withdrawal, see the section, "How to quit.")
Smoking also makes your body get rid of certain drugs faster than usual. When you quit smoking, it changes the way your body handles some medicines. Ask your doctor if any medicines you take regularly need to be checked or changed after you quit.
Why should I quit?
Your health
Health concerns usually top the list of reasons people give for quitting smoking. This is a very real concern: About half of all smokers who keep smoking will end up dying from a smoking-related illness.
Nearly everyone knows that smoking can cause lung cancer, but few people realize it is also a risk factor for many other kinds of cancer too, including cancer of the mouth, voice box (larynx), throat (pharynx), esophagus, bladder, kidney, pancreas, cervix, stomach, and some leukemias.
Lung diseases
Pneumonia has been included in the list of diseases known to be caused by smoking since 2004. Smoking also increases your risk of getting lung diseases like emphysema and chronic bronchitis. These diseases are grouped together under the term COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). COPD causes chronic illness and disability, and worsens over time -- sometimes becoming fatal. Emphysema and chronic bronchitis can be found in people as young as 40, but are usually found later in life, when the symptoms get much worse. Long-term smokers have the highest risk of developing severe COPD.
Heart attacks, strokes, and blood vessel diseases
Smokers are twice as likely to die from heart attacks as are non-smokers. And smoking is a major risk factor for peripheral vascular disease, a narrowing of the blood vessels that carry blood to the leg and arm muscles. Smoking also affects the walls of the vessels that carry blood to the brain (carotid arteries), which can cause strokes. Men who smoke are more likely to develop erectile dysfunction (impotence) because of blood vessel disease.
Blindness and other problems
Smoking causes an increased risk of macular degeneration, one of the most common causes of blindness in older people. It also causes premature wrinkling of the skin, bad breath, bad-smelling clothes and hair, yellow fingernails.
Special risks to women and babies
Women have some unique risks linked to smoking. Women over 35 who smoke and use birth control pills have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and blood clots of the legs. Women who smoke are more likely to miscarry (lose the baby) or have a lower birth-weight baby. And low birth-weight babies are more likely to die, or have learning and physical problems.
Years of life lost due to smoking
Based on data collected in the late 1990s, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimated that adult male smokers lost an average of 13.2 years of life and female smokers lost 14.5 years of life because of smoking. And given the diseases that smoking can cause, it can steal your quality of life long before you die. Smoking-related illness can limit your activities by making it harder to breathe, get around, work, or play.
Why quit now?
No matter how old you are or how long you've smoked, quitting can help you live longer and be healthier. People who stop smoking before age 50 cut their risk of dying in the next 15 years in half compared with those who keep smoking. Ex-smokers enjoy a higher quality of life with fewer illnesses from cold and flu viruses, better self-reported health, and reduced rates of bronchitis and pneumonia.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
One World Government!
Sponsored Links:"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not traitor, he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared." - Cicero, 42 B.C.
No longer are we only threatened from without by a group of balding hard-line Communists - we are now threatened from within - by a group of intelligent, well-dressed liberal globalists who over the coming years intend to convince America and the nations of the world that the only way to lasting world peace is the establishment of a ...
"New World Order."
New World Order is a term used to describe the uniting of the world's superpowers to secure and maintain "global peace."
Peace, Safety, and Security
While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
- 1 Thessalonians 5:3
World leaders are excited at the prospects for peace and there has been much talk about entering a "new era" and about the establishment of a "New World Order."
At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.- Matthew 24:11